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Jadwiga Łopata - Food Sovereignty and the Family Farm - The Polish Example

Dodano: 06 Listopad 10

Tagi: ted

Poland remains a unique example of a 'living' European peasant agriculture and with over 1,5 million family farms. Around 60% of these farms are small scale family enterprises averaging approximately 7 ha, what one could term 'semi-self sufficient' farms. The great majority practice traditional and ecological methods of agriculture with nothing wasted and all biodegradable materials recycled or incorporated in traditional rotations. Many Polish farmers could be said to be leading an ecological way of life in harmony with nature. They have wisdom of the land, animal husbandry traditions and a culture which was passed from generation to generation. As never before, the future of the Polish countryside hangs in the balance. On the one hand, the thousands of small family farms that hold the key to food sovereignty, maintaining quality foods and the wealth of biodiversity. On the other hand, the forces of globalisation and agribusiness are attempting to establish a factory -- farming monoculture on this same land.

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